Tag Archives: git

Git part 3: Branching, merging and resolving conflicts

At last! The third and final part of our git series has arrived. The first two parts of the series get you started with git and interacting with your project. They are available here:

Git part 1: Intro to git, setup a git server on CentOS and create a new project
Git part 2: Interacting with your project

In the final chapter of this series, we’ll explore a few of the more advanced features.

Continue reading Git part 3: Branching, merging and resolving conflicts

Git Quick Tip – Ignoring a file

Sometimes in a coding project there will be files or directories that should not be included in a git repository. Common examples are temporary folders, log files, or files containing passwords/keys that should be regenerated by each installation of the software and kept secret. Fortunately, it is very easy to ignore these files when committing the git project.

Continue reading Git Quick Tip – Ignoring a file

Git part 1: Intro to git, setup a git server on CentOS and create a new project


From git-scm.com: “Git is distributed version control system focused on speed, effectivity and real-world usability on large projects.” It is the new subversion. Every coder seems to be using it and every coder seems be loving it. I’ve only scratched the surface with it and can already see how it will help me manage development on my current project.

Continue reading Git part 1: Intro to git, setup a git server on CentOS and create a new project