I’ve been hearing great things about the Security Onion project. It bundles up a whole bunch of great tools that can be used for Network Security Monitoring (NSM) so I thought I would give it a try on my home network. After all, next time the fiancé gets malware, it could be helpful to know what happened…
All posts by Dan
Page fault in module “zfs” due to a NULL pointer dereference
I’ve been using OpenIndiana io_151a2 for over a year now as my home storage solution. It has been rock solid and gives me better IO over iSCSI for VMware than I get in the production Netapp environment at work. It also lets me have some nice big pools with commodity drives for media, backup, VMs, and pretty much everything else I do on the computer.
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Rails Asset Pipeline When Application is Deployed in a Subdirectory
The asset pipeline is great and confusing at the same time. It performs differently in development than it does in production, and as such you can’t be really sure everything is going to work once you deploy it, unless you really understand it, of course.
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Make pre tag text wrap in MediaWiki
I’m trying to get into this whole wiki thing…
I like to use the wiki equivalent of the <pre> tags to call out code or commands, which in MediaWiki language is completed by putting a single space at the beginning of a line. I found that long commands would not wrap by default, however (kind of like how they don’t on this blog…).
Rails – dump an existing database schema so it can be rebuilt easily
One of my gripes (or possibly misunderstandings) with Rails is that you have to make the schema within Rails. I find that difficult – I want to plan it externally, create the schema, and then use it in my app. Perhaps there is an easier way to accomplish that, but here’s what I do.
Continue reading Rails – dump an existing database schema so it can be rebuilt easily
Install vSphere 5 VMware Tools on Ubuntu 12.04/Fedora
When trying to install VMware Tools from ESXi 5.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit, I ran into the below compilation errors even though I had build-essential and kernel headers installed.
Continue reading Install vSphere 5 VMware Tools on Ubuntu 12.04/Fedora
Git Quick Tip – Remove all “changed but not updated” deleted files
When you run status and see a lot of files that have been deleted but are still in git, such as:
deleted: vendor/cache/annotate-2.4.0.gem
Continue reading Git Quick Tip – Remove all “changed but not updated” deleted files
XBMC, MythBox and MythTV 0.25
XMBC is a great media frontend and through the MythBox plugin, it has great support for MythTV. As of writing this, however, MythBox only supports MythTV v0.24 while the latest version is v0.25. Thanks to someone named mitchcapper, MythBox has been patched to support v0.25.
Rails Quick Tip: Show Detailed Errors in Production
OK, before you go yell at me, I know enabling detailed error messages on a production web application is a Bad Thing™. The security guy in me hates finding a production application that spews back all kinds of details to a user when something goes wrong, and I’ve had many a developer disable detailed error messages on their production applications.
Continue reading Rails Quick Tip: Show Detailed Errors in Production
X Forwarding with IPv6 disabled on Ubuntu
So far I haven’t had a chance to really learn and understand IPv6, so as I’ve built new boxes I have disabled IPv6 explicitely. On Ubuntu, you can do this by adding these three lines to /etc/sysctl.conf and then rebooting: